Kambodia bee project

How to participate?

Kambodia Bee Association

Slovenian Bee schools in Kambodia

About bees and apiculture

Sponsors and volunteers

Slovenian - Cambodian Rotary project

Where? Cambodia. Asia.

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26.10.2014Bees and beekeeping in Cambodia

Bees and beekeeping in Cambodia Extensive article about the history of the project BEE TO BE and beekeeping in recent years in Cambodia. Full article see the BEE WORLD magazine, volume 92, summer 2014. http://www.ibrabee.org.uk/

26.03.2014Cambodian bees in beekeeping magazins

Cambodian bees in beekeeping magazins If you are able to read Serbian language -in Serbian magazin *Pčelarskega žurnal *you can search for interesting reading on the Cambodian native bees.

26.03.2014Special Training On Beekeeping: - Theoretical Training: 15th – 16th, March 2014

Special Training On Beekeeping: -	Theoretical Training: 15th – 16th, March 2014 For successful beekeeping in Cambodia is important to understand the specific conditions of this country and of course the knowledge of bee life.Just patiently monitoring the nature and love of bees reduce results. Thus, in the form of knowledge, as in honey.

08.03.2014Cambodia bees on global websites

A.dorsata from cambodia in atlas hymenoptera: http://www.atlashymenoptera.net/page.asp?id=238 Picture of A.cerana from Cambodia on front cover of Bee World http://www.ibra.org.uk/articles/Bee-World

03.03.2014Special Training On Beekeeping

Special Training On Beekeeping Invitation to Attend Special Training On Beekeeping: - Theoretical Training: 15th – 16th, March 2014 - Beekeeping practical training: 17th – 19th March 2014 Interested persons are requested to send the name list to B.A.C by Email: tomaz.ostir@cambodia-bee.org or contact by Tel: (855)92 176 465 Organized by: Beekeepers Association of Cambodia (BAC)

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