Kambodia bee project

How to participate?

Kambodia Bee Association

Slovenian Bee schools in Kambodia

About bees and apiculture

Sponsors and volunteers

Slovenian - Cambodian Rotary project

Where? Cambodia. Asia.

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26.01.2014An interesting detail from the life of the solitary bees Pseudapis siamensis (Cockerell, 1929)

An interesting detail from the life of the solitary bees  Pseudapis  siamensis (Cockerell, 1929) Males bees Pseudapis siamensis in daylight fight for females. At night, however, they rest in groups.

11.12.2013The book is completed: Bees and beekeeping in Cambodia

The book is completed: Bees and beekeeping in Cambodia General idea of book is present bees and beekeeping simple as simple is possible, but same time give to beginner s enough information’s about bees life and beekeepers skill to be able manage their own apiary. That’s reason why in book are many pictures. The content of book Based on real work with bees since 2005. Still working on the hardest part: translations and fundraising for the issue. We will be very grateful for any help or idea how to bring the book to readers. It will be first book in Cambodian language about bees and beekeeping.

11.03.2013We visit Thailand beekeepers in Chantaburi

We visit  Thailand beekeepers in Chantaburi Beekeeping Centre operates under the Ministry of Agriculture. One of its tasks is linked to bee pollination.They practice as well stingless bees of the genus Trigona.

05.02.2013Solitary bee: Gnathonomia thoracica Smith 1875

Solitary  bee: Gnathonomia thoracica Smith 1875 Another solitary bee from the collection, identify bees helps us Mr. Alain Pauly, Belgian expert on bees of the genus Nomia

04.02.2013Solitary bee: Ceratina (Ceratinidia) sp

Solitary  bee: Ceratina (Ceratinidia) sp We have a beautiful collection of native bees, thanks Mr. Dr. Andre Gogala for help identify bee species.

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