Slovenian - Cambodian Rotary project
Where? Cambodia. Asia.
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20.02.2012The first serious pasture
A tree that is full bloom, fill the honeycomb. The beekeeper educated at the school, has decided to treat bees began with one family of A.cerane. Location seems promising as well as bee he is a big animal lover. Therefore, we trust him to protect two families A.mellifere. In addition to breeding pigeons, fish and in our places of interest - crickets. It's nice to hear a few thousand crickets sing songs wedding feast.
15.02.2012New acquisition - trailer
Beekeeper Soti saved the money to buy a trailer working with "Kojun". Mr.Viktor Nemes from Romania donated "Kojun" for our project. With trailers, will be engaged in plowing and in the more remote villages and increased utilization of (Kojun). Currently Soti has 9 families A. cerana and two family of a.mellifera. He tested A.cerano if they work honeycomb if we give them arfitisal base. In our surprise they work!
02.02.2012Apis florea is now at the BAC
Apis florea, which was moved in late September from a tree in the courtyard before the BAC (otherwise the hunters would eat them) has progressed in a very strong family, just before spawning. Honey is negligible, but A. floreja is excellent and important pollinators. Because of size is modest and remains in use in areas where for the A.cerano and A. dorsato is not enough food. It is important too keep them in greater numbers in the wild.
04.01.2012new bee families
The association is from the New Year richer for five families of bees A.mellifera. With their help will acquire substantially in education quality. At the moment the bees are in headquarters, in week two will migrate. With the two families we're testing on a promising location at the Pursat River, about 15 km away from the town of Pursat to the south.
Special thanks to Brane-Piano Rotary Club Barbara of Celje, Marku Valjavcu - Rotary Club Bled and of course Matej Jenko - RC Velenje of the contributions for the purchase of bees!